Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Jackie Raynal, November 21, 8:30pm

This is the third screening in a 4-part retrospective Red Channels has organized with UnionDocs -- a new "microcinema" based in Williamsburg, Brooklyn -- surveying the life and work of Jackie Raynal. UnionDocs focuses its efforts on the presentation and study of non-fiction and documentary arts, so we've selected a number of pertinent and expressive works from Jackie Raynal's filmography, spanning over 45 years, and representing various aspects of her multifaceted career as editor, filmmaker, exhibitor, distributor, and documentarian. It is a bit of a sequel to last April's "Cinema According to Jackie Raynal" series, curated by Marie Losier for the French Institute Alliance Française.

The third program in the series (part of a double feature), REALISATION, pairs Raynal's first two directorial efforts, both of which could be considered "non-fiction," back-to-back. As wildly different from other documentary films as they are from each other, these films feel as provocative and iconoclastic as ever, over 40 years after the fact. Performance, exhibitionism, deconstruction, and confrontation are all on full display -- if anything making for a more challenging presentation today than they were upon initial release. We're nervous just thinking about this one...

--Merce Cunningham - Etienne Becker, Jackie Raynal, & Patrice Wyers, 1962, 13 minutes
--Deux fois (Twice Upon a Time) - Jackie Raynal, 1969, 65 minutes
TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 78 minutes | 16mm & Digital Projection

DocTruck will be in attendance, and on some sort of panel thing afterward. 

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