Saturday, March 20, 2010

Resurrecting a Revolutionary Cinema: The Hour of the Furnaces

Sunday April 4th. 12PM - 6PM
16 Beaver Street, 4th Floor, NYC

On Easter/Passover Sunday we will present a daylong, open-ended, collaborative and community screening of Octavio Getino and Fernando Solanas' The Hour of the Furnaces.

Matt Peterson and Rachael Rakes are collaborating on a zine/reader to be distributed for free on the occasion of the screening.

More details to be announced.

The Hour of the Furnaces: Notes and Testimonies on Neocolonialism, Violence and Liberation - Octavio Getino & Fernando E. Solanas, 1968, 230 minutes
TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 230 minutes | Digital Projection
Tentative Schedule:

12:00 arrivals and introductions

12:30--Neocolonialism and Violence - 85 minutes

Lunch Break

2:30--Act for Liberation - 111 minutes


5:00--Violence and Liberation - 34 minutes

Out in the world to dinner?

Co-presented with Red Channels and Libertad Gills

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